Skeleton of 13-year-old discovered near an ancient Egyptian pyramid

The remains of the teenager were found to be in a squatting position.
Meidum pyramid egypt ancient
Meidum Pyramid Source: Wikipedia

Egypt's antiquities ministry has been putting extra effort to highlight fascinating treasures being unearthed in the country. However, a recent excavation wasn't so treasurous. 

During an excavation next to the Meidum Pyramid, a 4,600-year-old site located south of Cairo, the ministry discovered the skeleton of a 13-year-old girl. The remains of the teenager were found to be in a squatting position inside the tomb, according to a statement released following the discovery.

The remains were buried in a partially collapsed cemetery near the pyramid. Archaeologists were able to deduce the teen's age at death by studying her bones, according to LiveScience. However, the cause of death remains unclear as does the exact date of the burial.

No other human remains or artifacts were found in the girl's tomb. However, archaeologists uncovered two animal heads in the premise. 

Egypt is no stranger to discoveries. In fact, the country dubbed 2017 as the "year of discoveries."

Tombs, numerous mummies, and a massive statue were discovered that year, along with other notable artifacts.

In terms of history, Egypt is one of the richest countries in the world. For thousands of years, Egypt thrived as an independent nation whose culture was famous for great human advances in every area of knowledge, from the arts and sciences to technology and religion.

The great monuments, which Egypt is still celebrated for today, reflect the depth and grandeur of Egyptian culture, which influenced so many ancient civilizations, including Greece and Rome.

Till today, researchers and archaeologists continue to find artifacts in Egypt including The Tomb of Tutankhamun, The Rosetta Stone, and The Khufu Ship, to name a few.

People are flying like birds in Dubai, crown prince says 'future is here'

Jetman Dubai to the rescue!

The latest thrilling Jetman footage to go viral online was shared by none other than Dubai's Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan

In a video he uploaded to Instagram earlier this week, Jetman Dubai thrill-seekers wearing jet-propelled wings can be seen flying over the emirate. 

Captioning his post, the adventure-loving royal wrote: "Future is here."

The unique stunt concept was created by Swiss military-trained pilot and aviation enthusiast Yves Rossy. Driven by his desire to "fly like a bird," the adventurer designed and built what has now become known as the Jet-wing. 

Jetman Dubai is an extension of the idea and a project that "will create a future for individuals flying with Jet-wings and that will one day change the way we experience the world." 

In partnership with XDubai - an extreme sports company - thrill-seekers can now experience a new kind of adrenaline rush when visiting the emirate. 

It remains unconfirmed whether the prince took part in the jump stunt, but it wouldn't be a surprise if he did as he's no stranger to going on epic adventures.

There have been a number of moments that hint the most recent video was of himself. First, Sheikh Hamdan wished everyone a Happy National Day on Dec. 2 last year, with a photo of two people flying casually above Dubai in Jetman gear.

Then there was his meeting last week with boxer Khabib Nurmagomedov. The prince donned a t-shirt with XDubai's logo on it. And another t-shirt with another yellow X.

To complete the theory, both the prince and Jetman shared the video yesterday on Instagram with "Future is here" as caption. 

People were thrilled by the footage


Everyone now wants to try this

"I want to try." 

"Real life Iron Man"

You'll soon get to watch the entire story behind Jetman on screen

According to The National, a documentary that captures Jetman Dubai's journey "to launching the first solo flight using jet-engine powered wings" is currently in the making. 

Titled Loft: The Jetman Story, the feature is set to be released in the next few months.