Unfortunately, misogynistic hashtags are not that uncommon on Arab Twitter.
Ranging from those who attack the decision to grant Saudi women their right to drive to others who judge them for their personal lifestyle choices, the list goes on and on...
Earlier this week, yet another sexist hashtag popped up online, when some tweep decided to ask men if they'd 'accept' to marry a female doctor.
While the offensive hashtag is directed at men, they weren't the only ones there for it.
Who else was?
Arab women, who had the most-perfect hit backs...
It all started when someone launched this hashtag...

"Would you accept to marry a female doctor?"
Speaking to StepFeed, Lana, a Saudi medical student explained the rhetoric behind the hashtag, saying:
"This hashtag isn't shocking to many Arab women who work in the medical field. We hear things like this on a daily basis. When I decided to study medicine, I had a few relatives who came up to me and lectured me on how hard it'll be to find a husband once I graduated."
"This is because in Gulf countries and even others across the Arab world, the medical field is seen as one that's only suitable for men. To many, this profession simply doesn't fit in with gender-stereotypes they believe in. For some, it's the fact that we have to work late hours and night shifts. For others, it's because men don't like to marry women who are better off or more intelligent than they are. A few people even think that it's wrong for a woman to treat male patients. Even though it's 2017, so many people, some I am even acquainted with, still hold on to these regressive beliefs."
Which resulted in people tweeting out things like this...
"I'd never marry a female doctor who'd have held another man's hand to check his blood pressure."
And this...
"You'll rarely find a female doctor who can cook."