Arab man divorces wife in front of travelers in Jeddah airport

Divorce rates are skyrocketing in Saudi Arabia.
Source: Watan Serb

An Arab man divorced his wife right in the middle of the arrivals lounge in Jeddah's King Abdul Aziz Airport, leaving tens of travelers shocked, Sada News reported.

Speaking to the local news site, a source who witnessed the incident said the husband divorced his wife after the two got into a heated argument during which he accused her of cheating on him.

"He had just arrived from Riyadh and she was there to meet him. He looked furious, started screaming at her and then divorced her right in front of shocked strangers," the source said.

"The man then left the airport without his wife. He left her behind and she appeared devastated," he added.

Not the first time a couple divorces in the same airport

In 2011, a couple got into a fight over a delayed flight in the same Jeddah airport. Their argument reportedly ended up with the man divorcing his wife in front of people waiting to board their flights.

Divorce rates skyrocketing in the kingdom

Divorces are taking place all over the kingdom and not only in airports, with numbers of separations skyrocketing in recent months. 

In a news report aired on MBC TV earlier this month, sources said 54,000 divorce cases have been recorded in the country since the beginning of 2018. At this rate, this amounts to 150 divorces per day. 

The most recent statistics led many to speculate the cause of higher rates of separations in the kingdom online.

Horses flying on Emirates to receive 'onboard care and in-flight snacks'

"Safe journey to all travelling horses"

If you're living in the UAE or have flown out of Dubai International Airport (DXB) before, you know just how special flying with Emirates can be. As it turns out, horses have also been getting their share of decent flying ... with Emirates SkyCargo.

The freight division of Emirates recently boarded 67 horses for the 2018 FEI World Equestrian Games Tryon from Belgium to the United States. The horses flew via a Boeing 777 freighter aircraft, which was the first of 19 flights expected to fly horses.

An estimated 500 horses will be flown out for the games, which would make this the largest air horse charter to take place for a single sporting event.

"The horses will enjoy special onboard care, in-flight snacks and the company of dedicated handlers," said Captain Esteban Pacheo in a video.

The 2018 equestrian sporting event is set to take place from September 11 to September 23 in North Carolina. This will be the eighth edition of the games, which are held every four years.

People were all over the news

Others were wishing the horses a "safe journey"

"Good job Emirates"

"How cool"