5 reasons why UAE residents should download these video calling apps

Du allows users to have an unlimited app to app voice and video calling experience across the world.

While numerous popular video calling apps such as Skype, WhatsApp, and FaceTime remain officially blocked in the UAE, residents have been urged by the country's authorities to use other legal alternatives to connect with their friends and family.

du, one of the UAE's largest telecommunications service providers, offers a service whereby subscribers can make infinite video calls by paying a fixed monthly rate of as low as 50 dirhams (plus VAT).

Using either C'Me or BOTIM (both apps are available on iOS and Android devices), du allows users to have an unlimited app to app voice and video calling experience across the world.

Here are 5 reasons why UAE residents should download these video calling apps:

1. You can make unlimited video and voice calls from the UAE to your home country

2. BOTIM allows you to group chat with up to 500 people anywhere in the world

3. C'Me provides an amazing HD video call experience

4. du is offering a 15-day free trial of its 'Internet Calling Pack'

To make the most of this special offer and activate the trial on your du mobile, send 'ICP' to 1012.

5. It's the only legal alternative to Skype or FaceTime

In the UAE, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) remains illegal to use, as VoIP - being an internet-based service - carries serious risks related to privacy issues, voice phishing, and hacking, among other vulnerabilities.

Referring to its regulatory policy on the service, the UAE's Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has previously stated that VoIP falls under No. 14 on its list of prohibited internet content.

Source: Www.du.ae

Du's new Internet Calling Pack offers you unlimited voice and video calls with your friends and family members.

Sign up for a 15-day free trial on your du mobile line by sending 'ICP' via SMS to 1012.

Arabs list reasons for high divorce rates via viral hashtag

"We don't speak to strangers... We marry them"
Source: Watanserb

In recent years, rates of divorce have been skyrocketing in countries across the Arab world. From Saudi Arabia to Kuwait, Egypt, and the UAE, the issue affects several societies in the region.

Earlier this week, Arab tweeps tried to get to the root of the problem via the viral hashtag "What are the causes of divorce?".

Here's how it all went down on Twitter:

It all started when this hashtag topped Arab trends

"What are the causes of divorce?"

And then thousands started weighing in on the matter

First things first

Some believe the key lies in communication

Arranged marriage topped responses

"We don't speak to strangers... We marry them"

"Trust issues"

Believing that a guy will just grow up when they get married maybe?

"The 'marry him off he'll mature' ballroom." 

Pressuring women into getting married

Some went straight to the point

Others shared out of this world reasons

Someone blamed human devils

"Devils. We always notice that those who live away from their extended families are happy while those who live with relatives are in hell. The reason? Talking behind people's backs, coming up with stories about them, and being envious." 

A few turned to humor in response to the hashtag

What's the real cause of divorce?