Pregnant Muslim professor dragged off plane ... because of her dog allergies

"What are you doing, my dad has surgery and you've ripped my pants off."

A pregnant woman was forcibly removed from a flight to Los Angeles last month, has revealed her side of the story.

Anila Daulatzai, a professor at the Maryland Institute College of Art, claims she was subjected to discrimination "because she is a woman, a person of color, and a Muslim."

Southwest Airlines said Daulatzai was forced off the flight after she declared she has life-threatening allergies to dogs and demanded the two dogs on board be removed from the plane. While the professor denied these statements and asserted her allergies are not life-threatening.

Late in September, Daulatzai was filmed as she was being dragged off a Southwest Airlines flight to Los Angeles at the Baltimore-Washington airport.  

She was two months pregnant with her first child at the time.

In viral video footage documenting the incident, Daulatzai can be seen resisting at least three officers who were dragging her across the plane. 

She can be heard yelling, "What are you doing," "My dad has surgery," and "You've ripped my pants off."

This came after she declared her alleged life-threatening allergies.

According to the airline, Daulatzai claimed she suffers from "life-threatening pet allergy" but did not give any documents to prove her statement, which gave them the authority to forcibly remove her from the aircraft. 

Daulatzai was then detained and "charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and other misdemeanor offence," according to The Independent.

Earlier this week, Daulatzai's lawyers contested the airline's recollection of the incident.

In the statement, they said: 

"Professor Daulatzai was profiled, abused, interrogated, detained, and subjected to false reporting and the trauma of racist, vitriolic public shaming precisely because she is a woman, a person of color, and a Muslim." 

According to her lawyers, Daulatzai did not claim her allergies were life-threatening, nor did she request the dogs be removed, as well as she was not asked for medical certification.

"She discussed her non-life threatening allergies to dogs with Southwest representatives upon entering the aircraft, and together they decided that she could manage by sitting away from the dogs towards the rear of the plane."

She was then approached by Southwest representatives and reportedly answered all their inquiries.

Despite her efforts to convince them she would be "completely fine" on the plane and that she had to fly to California to take care of her hospitalized father, she was asked to leave the craft and was was "violently removed."

Daulatzai's lawyers went on to say that she "suffered physical injuries and mental trauma, required emergency care at a local hospital, including for her pregnancy, and is under continuing medical care."

A pig's head was thrown through Muslim family's home in latest hate crime

Parts of pigs and pork bacon have been used in anti-Muslim hate crimes on several occasions

Two kids were watching television in their Manchester home when a brick smashed through the window, missing the boy's head by a hair's breadth. A bloodied pig's head soon followed. 

Their offence? Being in a Muslim home. 

"The kids are absolutely petrified," their father, ​Ajaz Mahmood, was quoted as saying. "They're both asking questions. How do you explain that to a 6-year-old," he told Buzzfeed.

"I thought it was absolutely disgusting"

Mahmood explained that his wife and their four children were at home when the attack happened on Saturday night. 

His 14-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter were in the living room when the brick and pig's head came flying through the window.

He rushed home from work after his wife called him in tears, with "hysterical screaming" in the background.

"She was screaming, hysterical. I had to calm her down," he told Buzzfeed. "I only realized when I got into my front room there was a pig's head there, wedged between the arms of the sofa, wrapped in plastic. I thought it was absolutely disgusting."

Manchester police are now investigating the incident as an "appalling hate crime" for which they suspect a man about 18 years old to be responsible.

Mahmood said that he cannot think of a reason to justify the attack, saying, "I'm just a normal bloke who just goes to work, tries to look after his family. I've not got any enemies, I'm not overly religious." 

"I am not sure whether it is racial or Islamaphobic," he told the Manchester Evening News, wondering whether the attackers had mistaken their house for somebody else's.

Parts of pigs and pork bacon have been used in anti-Muslim hate crimes on several occasions in reference to the fact that Islam forbids followers of the faith from consuming said meat.

"They're both asking questions. How do you explain that to a 6-year-old?"

Although no one was injured, the family is still shaken by the incident. Mahmood said that his children have been asking difficult questions about why the family had been targeted. 

"My daughter is only a child, she doesn't understand what's gone on," he said. "She's asking questions [...] How do you explain that to a 6-year-old? What do you say to them? I told them they're just mindless people that have done that."


"Wrong on so many levels"

Does anti-Muslim extremism ring a bell?

By the way, pigs are not kryptonite to Muslims