Controversial British media personality Katie Hopkins is no stranger to attacking Muslims and Islam with every chance she gets.
But in her latest attack, she just went too far.
In an offensive Islamophobic tweet she shared on Monday, Hopkins decided to attack female victims of sexual harassment who are currently sharing harrowing stories of abuse via the 'me too' hashtag.
Led by American actress Alyssa Milano, the hashtag was launched days after several Hollywood actresses reported being sexually abused by shamed film producer Harvey Weinstein.
It aims to "give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem", a point that Hopkins must have missed.
In her tweet, the racist columnist accused victims of ignoring the rape of 'white girls' by 'Muslim grooming gangs', and using the most recent controversy surrounding Weinstein to 'talk about themselves'.
It all started when Hopkins thought is was acceptable to share this:
Soon after, the shameful tweet went viral and people were just not having it
This is "simply your bigotry interpreting an event"
"So so many assaults and NOT by Muslims"
But as we can all clearly see...

While the majority of people reacted with anger, some resorted to sarcasm
Others hilariously trolled Hopkins
A few summed it all up...
Certainly not a first for Hopkins
This is certainly not the first time Hopkins shares an Islamophobic, racist statement on social media.
Earlier last month, she posted an offensive joke about burqas and the latest iPhone's face recognition feature.
At the time, Hopkins shared an image of women in burqas and captioned it: "Hey, beautiful ladies. What do you think of iPhone X Face ID?"
But as always, people had perfect, right on point comebacks that completely shut her down.