Israelis don't want peace with Palestinians, former US secretary of state says

"The Palestinians have done an extraordinary job of remaining committed to nonviolence."

Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has criticized Israeli leaders for being uninterested in peace while praising Palestinians for their commitment to "nonviolence." 

The recordings of Kerry were released by Israeli TV station Channel 10, according to Newsweek. The recordings reportedly come from a conference held last year in Dubai, which was attended by top regional policymakers.

John Kerry and Benjamin Netanyahu
Kerry meeting with Netanyahu

"The Palestinians have done an extraordinary job of remaining committed to nonviolence," Kerry can be heard saying. "When the intifada took place [in 2015] they delivered non-violence in the West Bank."

Continuing, Kerry points out his belief that the general Israeli public is unaware of the Palestinian commitment to nonviolence.

"Why?" the former secretary asks. "Because the majority of the cabinet currently in the Israeli government has publicly declared they are not ever for a Palestinian state," he answers.

Kerry also argued that Israeli leaders should take note of Palestinian demands and protests, especially if they want to avoid violence in the future.

"If you see 40,000 kids marching up to the wall every day with signs saying ‘give us our rights,’ I mean I don’t think Palestine is going to be immune forever to the civil rights movements that have swept other nations in the world and somehow Israel is ignoring this," he says.

"That’s not leadership."

He goes on to say that if Israeli leaders don't take peace seriously or something in the equation doesn't change, he believes young Palestinians will eventually give up on nonviolence.

"I’ll be amazed if within the next 10 years if we don’t see some young [Palestinian] leader come along who says we have tried non-violence for the last 30 years and look, it hasn’t gotten us anything," Kerry says.

“You gotta have a willingness to make peace," he adds

John Kerry served as Secretary of State under former President Barack Obama. While Obama's administration approved billions in military aid to Israel, it was seen as more critical of the Israeli government than previous administrations.

People are being sold as slaves in Libya and it's not OK

Most are African migrants.

In parts of Libya, African migrants are being sold into slavery for as little as $400.

Human auctions, where migrants are sold like cattle have becoming a chilling reality for many in the North African country, an exclusive report from CNN last week has revealed.

"Does anybody need a digger? This is a digger, a big strong man, he'll dig," a salesman dressed in camouflage reportedly said during one auction. "What am I bid, what am I bid?"

In response to the article and previous allegations that have arisen over the past year, Libyan authorities have reportedly launched a formal investigation into the slave auctions.

"A high-level committee has been convened encompassing representatives from all the security apparatus to oversee this investigation," Anes Alazabi, an official with the internationally recognized government of Libya's Anti-Illegal Immigration Agency, told CNN.

"Priorities of the investigation are not only to convict those responsible for these inhumane acts, but also to identify the location of those who have been sold in order to bring them to safety and return them to their countries of origin."

However, despite welcoming Libya's position on the issue, Othman Belbeisi of the International Organization for Migration, warned that the traffickers are becoming stronger and more powerful.

"We definitely welcome the news for any investigation and we hope that this will cover not only this case but definitely all the cases of abuse and violence against migrants in Libya," Belbeisi said.

Many were outraged by the revelations

Asking tough questions ...

Some couldn't even believe it when they heard

Why isn't this getting more attention?