Released annually, the U.S. News and World Report analyzes different countries in the world by looking at characteristics such as >power, quality of life, entrepreneurship, and movers, to name a few.
When it comes to shaking up the world, the United Arab Emirates stole the number one spot. In the movers subcategory, the Gulf nation ranked first for its potential growth in the next few years.
This metric is "predictive of a country's future growth in terms of per capita purchasing power parity gross domestic product," as the report describes it.
The UAE has time and again proven its competitive nature. In 2018, the country was listed as the most competitive economy in the Arab world, and the 17th most competitive economy worldwide.
The country is pretty "distinctive"

The subcategory looked at four different attributes in countries around the world: different, distinctive, dynamic, and unique.
The UAE got a 10/10 score on the "distinctive" attribute. The country also scored above nine on the "different" and "unique" attributes. In terms of "dynamic," it seems as though the country could improve its economic offerings.
How did the UAE rank in other subcategories?

The report looks at other aspects including adventure, citizenship, cultural influence, entrepreneurship, heritage, open for business, power, and quality of life.
When taking all subcategories into consideration, the UAE ranked No. 23 globally, No. 11 in terms of power. and No. 16 in terms of cultural influence.
In the past decade, the UAE has put endless effort into becoming a center for >development and innovation - both locally and globally.
Foreseeing the need to move beyond an oil-based economy, the UAE has been swiftly diversifying its economy into banking, tourism, international trade, and various service industries, transforming it into the most diversified economy within the GCC.
While the economic base of the country has traditionally been oil, the country has put a strong emphasis on numerous green and alternative energy initiatives.
As part of its Vision 2021, the country has been working on several fronts to achieve a more sustainable, knowledge-based economy, with a significant portion of its efforts being dedicated to creating a national environment of innovation.