Rami Malek is no stranger to inspiring meme creators on the internet. But, the inspiration does not just come from his bulging eyes or sharp jawline; it's also the words that come out of his mouth.
Recently, a snippet of Malek listing his favorite things in the world gave people a reason to apply the meme treatment on him. The shot going viral is from an advertisement Malek took part in for Mandarin Oriental hotels.
It was originally shared at the end of January, but was picked up by the Twitterverse earlier this week.
First things first, watch the video
Malek starts the video by saying he's a fan of Freddie Mercury and Queen. He then goes on to say "I'm a fan of my mom ... she's got my back."
It was those two seconds (where he says I'm a fan of my mom) that ultimately turned Malek into a video meme. When taken out of context, the statement may seem awkward, weird, and a bit creepy.
So, naturally, Twitter had to have a little fun with it.
Psycho (1960)?
Video edits were taken too far
"I can see the next Joker"

*ME in an interview*
"When you're at a networking event ... and go off on a tangent"
"He's a fan of Steve Harvey"