A scientist faked an ISIS letter to publicize his research on HIV

He told the police that ISIS threatened to kill him.

Indian scientist Mukesh Shukla wanted to turn the world's attention to his HIV research, so since desperate times call for desperate measures, he decided to do so by faking an ISIS threat letter. 

Shukla, who is from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, claimed that the extremist terrorist group sent him a threatening letter in Arabic demanding information on a "secret drug formula for treating malaria and HIV." 

He told the police that they (ISIS) threatened to kill him if he did not hand over the information to them. The police took immediate action by putting him on a 12-hour protection cycle.

After his protection order expired, Shukla told the police that he was attacked with some sort of chemical spray while walking home, according to the Hindustan Times

He said his money and a pen drive with his AIDS research were taken as well.

But turns out, the entire story and the letter had been fabricated.

An Arabic language expert told the police that the letter was not written in proper Arabic. 

A more thorough investigation by the Cyber Cell of Ahmedabad Detection of Crime Branch later found an English copy of the letter on Shukla's computer. 

They also found a deleted Google translator app. 

"We checked the computer system of Shukla and extracted all the data. We examined the data and found a letter written in English got translated exactly as the threat letter through the Google application," said Rajdeepsinh Jhala, assistant commissioner of DCB, according to RT.

Shukla has not been arrested or detained yet. 

"We are mulling our next step considering that Shukla is a senior citizen and currently under medication," said Deepak Meghani, superintendant of the police.

Shukla has been working on treating malaria and HIV for 28 years, but after the world failed to take notice of his efforts, he descended into depression. 

He claims that he has found the cure to HIV, malaria and other diseases.

7 things Arab parents do that are confusing AF

All the quirks.

From their quirky sense of humor, to their ever-creative punishment methods and unconventional ways of showing love, no number of lists or articles can ever be enough to describe the unique force of nature that is Arab parents... but we'll never give up trying.

While many of their quirks can be deciphered, some are simply beyond us. These quirks are usually hilarious, often frustrating, yet never fail to baffle us.

Here are 7 things Arab parents do that confuse and leave us with so many unanswered questions:

1. The gates of hell of hell break loose if you smoke cigarettes ... but shisha is OK

No matter how many times you try to convince them that shisha causes more harm than cigarettes (four times more harm, to be exact), Arab parents will persistently try to ban you from smoking cigarettes. All the while being okay with you smoking shisha, even joining you for a session every now and then. 

The logic behind this is nothing short of an enigma. 

2. They insult you by cussing at themselves

Their insults of choice for Arab parents feature phrases that hit right back at them. Think "Yel3an abouk/emmak" (damn your dad/mom), "ibn kalb" (son of a dog) and "bala terbayi" (you weren't raised properly). You're the real MVP if you manage to fight the urge to break out in laughter or note that they are actually insulting themselves.

3. "You can't do that until you're an independent adult" ... aka NEVER

"Who cares what your parents say, you're an adult," your non-Arab friends said. Little did they know that the concept of adulthood is nonexistent to most Arab parents.

It doesn't matter if you are 17 or 30, they will always look after you and shower you with love and support. 

We are forever grateful for that, but there's a downside: it means their over-protectiveness and strict rules never waver, especially if you're a woman.

To them, you are never old enough or independent enough to do the things they don't approve of.

As a teen, your parents used "You can't do that until you're an adult" to justify banning you from doing certain things. But come (supposed) adulthood, and they continue to police your moves, saying, "You can't do that as long as you're living under my roof", only to shut down your efforts to move out, saying "you cannot live alone until you are married. "

4. They tell you to watch your weight ... then insist on feeding you endlessly

One minute they are telling you to watch your weight, the next they are cooking unhealthy meals and bringing home delicious yet fattening snacks and insisting that you eat all of it. 

5. They refuse your offer to help ... then complain about how no one helps them

Guilt-tripping is a staple of Arab motherhood. Arab mothers complain about working hard all on their own, but they never accept our offer to help. It seems as though all they are really asking for is that their efforts be appreciated. We do appreciate it mama, wallah!

6. Every argument reaches a dead end

Nothing is more confusing than having an argument with Arab parents. It seems as though no matter how hard you try to make a case and justify your point of view, your parents will never budge. Their motto is probably something along the lines of "Even when I'm wrong, I'm right", so you might as well just save your breath. 

7. They complain when you go out ... and when you stay at home