On Monday, a Saudi family based in the UAE decided to name their newborn daughter "Emirates", as a tribute to the Gulf country.
According to Akhbaar 24, the infant's mother said she and her husband, businessman Fayez Al Enezi, decided on the name a week before their daughter was born.
"We wanted to honor the Year of Zayed and also express our connection to the Emirates after living here for two years," she explained.
Al Enezi also added that had she given birth to a boy she would have called him Zayed after the UAE's late ruler.
"Emirates" is already making the rounds on social media
Some are loving the name...
"It's beautiful"
"I like it, it's so cute"
"Such a regal name"
Not everyone was for it though...
"I completely respect the UAE but what's up with this as a name? What's this poor baby's fault, she's going to be traumatized over this."
"Not even Emiratis did this"
"If this would pass as a name, they'd have named their girls that."
"Too much wallah"
"She'll grow up and be bullied over it"
"She'll change it later on"
Not the first Arab newborn to be named after a country...
Earlier this year, Jordanian mother Nadiya Mohammed named her newborn "Saudia", saying it was her way of expressing her love for Saudi Arabia and its monarchs.
In 2017, a Saudi man named his daughter "Al Saudia", as a tribute to his home country.