Mecca's top authorities honored an expat street sweeper who refused to stop doing his job even during floods that hit the city last week, Sabq news site reported.
The decision to honor the man was announced in a tweet posted on the official page of Mecca's Municipality on Thursday. It came after a video capturing him hard at work despite the harsh weather conditions won over people's hearts.
The clip went viral after it was uploaded on social media, leading thousands to call on authorities to reward the man's actions.
The video had left thousands in awe
While some were thrilled at the news of the man's honoring, others felt his name should've been mentioned by authorities.
Many hailed the worker for being so dedicated to his job

"A heartfelt salute to him."
Others thanked Mecca's authorities for honoring him

"We thank Mecca's municipality for honoring loyal employees. There are so many others like him who also deserve to be rewarded."
"He deserves it"

Some were upset the man's name wasn't made public

"Even on the day he's honored, no one mentions his name. One day your name will be heard and you'll be rewarded by God."
Others made this important point

"He deserves to be honored. But to truly show gratitude to people who work in this profession with extremely low wages is to increase their salary and be paid on time every month."