An Indian pilgrim died on Sunday in Saudi Arabia during a prayer session in Mecca's Al-Salam Mosque in the city's Jabal Al Noor.
The 60-year-old man knelt down in the sujud pose and never stood back up throughout the prayer. When worshippers in the mosque ended their prayer, they noticed the man wasn't moving. They then approached him only to realized he's unconscious.
Paramedics were called to the scene but couldn't resuscitate the man.
Local reports revealed that those who witnessed the tragic incident in the place of worship were left shocked and chanted Islamic prayers as the pilgrim was carried out of the mosque.

At the time of his death, the man had been in Saudi Arabia for a few days to perform Umrah, the minor pilgrimage to Mecca.
The police department in Mecca's Al Maabda was tasked with finalizing all the documents needed to repatriate the man's body back home.
Not the first time a similar incident is reported in Mecca

Over the years, several deaths were reported in Mecca during Hajj (Islamic pilgrimage) season.
In 2011, a death almost identical to the one that took place this week was reported when a Chadian man named Ahmed Adam Hassan died while praying inside a mosque just a day after he performed Umrah.
According to local reports, the man bent down to pray at a mosque in the western Red Sea port of Jeddah and remained in the same position throughout the prayer time.