On the latest episode of Hadith El Balad, Lebanese TV host, Mona Abou Hamze, discussed MTV Lebanon's high advertising rates with Lebanese politician and the channel's very own, Michel Al Murr.
"I found out - by coincidence - from advertisers who wanted to advertise via MTV that the channel has the most expensive rate per minute," said Hadith El Balad host, Mona Abou Hamze.
It wasn't her question that caused a joke riot to emerge online, rather Murr's response.
"It's only normal for us to have the highest advertiser rate, as we have an added value which is our audience which other channels can't reach," Al Murr said.
After the video began making the rounds online, Lebanese Twitter went into a total meltdown.
The hashtag "I Love MTV Lebanon" began trending across the country. Some mocked Al Murr's comments, while others came to MTV Lebanon's defense.
The online outrage ultimately sparked a response from the channel with regards to the outbreak.
"There's no need to respond to fraudulent claims and there have been many made against us. Starting from targeting us in the illegal internet case, to accusing us of communicating with Israel, and now misinterpreting statements made by MTV's CEO Michel Al Murr. MTV will keep on going while Khayyat and Daher's dogs bark on."
Video responses came to life ... w YALLAAAA
Lebanese satirical page El 3ama joined the conversation as well
MTV Lebanon = Salmon?

"Once upon a time, a man wanted to impress his date ... so he had her watch MTV Lebanon"
A never-ending stream of jokes
Cutlery to the rescue
How to tune in to MTV Lebanon: Etiquette 101
"Shoutout to my university education for providing me with the intellectual level to understand @mtvlebanon’s Zumba shows"