American actress Lindsay Lohan has gone under fire after an eyebrow-raising incident she broadcasted on Instagram Live.

The footage shows Lohan meeting a Syrian refugee family, or so she claims, before things went south. Moments into the video, the actress got punched for trying to take the children away from their apparent parents. 

The live video, which was shared late last week, captured the family sitting on the streets of what is believed to be Moscow, Russia.

"I just want to show you a family that I met. A Syrian refugee family that I’m really worried about. They really need help," Lohan said, after which she offered the family shelter for the night.

The encounter took an aggressive turn when the parents turned down Lohan's offer, while the latter insisted on it and continued to follow the family around.

Lohan was speaking English in a thick accent, along with some indistinct Arabic.

"You should not have them [children] on the floor, you should be a hard-working woman and you should be doing what you [can] for your children, so they have a better life. If someone is offering them a home and a bed, which is me at the moment, give it to them. They will come back to you," the 32-year-old told the mother, according to Newsweek.

Lohan also tried to lure the children, saying, "Do you want to stay in a hotel tonight? Do you want to watch movies? It would be so cool to watch a movie on a TV or a computer."

"I won't leave until I take you," she stressed.

She then began questioning whether the adults were the children's parents and accusing them of child trafficking.

"You're ruining Arab culture by doing this. You're taking these children, they want to go," Lohan told the parents.

When the actress reached out for one of the kids, she appeared to be struck by the mother. Lohan then captured herself in tears, saying she was shocked and scared.

Source: Pinterest

Lohan, who is currently based in Dubai, has taken part in humanitarian work helping refugees during the past two years.

"I really threw myself into working with a lot of children and refugees overseas. I feel like there's a lot of love that I have to give and offer to children that don't have anyone," she previously said on The Wendy Williams Show.

Lohan was heavily criticized on social media

People are accusing her of racial harassment and attempted abduction

Twitter users agree she was out of line

"Punched back into the land of white privilege"

This user drew parallels with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Meanwhile, others are worried about her mental health

Some tweeps couldn't help but crack jokes

"By far the most 2018 thing that's happened in 2018"

"A hell of a story those kids get to tell"