In a rare and unique case, a mother gave birth to sextuplets in Lebanon's Saint George University Hospital on Tuesday, Annahar reported.
According to the local newspaper, the complex birth procedure was handled by a large team of doctors who ensured that it went smoothly.
Speaking to Annahar, Dr. Nadim Al Hajal, an obstetrician at the hospital, said that only 4-5 similar cases have been reported around the world, noting that this is the first time sextuplets are born in Lebanon.
Al Hajal explained that the procedure was critical given that the newborns' mother had previously given birth via C-section, but was successful due to the exemplary efforts made by the hospital's medical team.
"We monitored this case right from the beginning and managed to help achieve a successful delivery. The mother and newborns are now in our medical center's neonatal intensive care unit but are doing great. This is a huge medical achievement for Lebanon," he said.
The children's parents now have a total of ten children
According to Annahar, the parents of the newborns hadn't planned the pregnancy and already have four other children.
The couple was shocked to learn that they were expecting sextuplets earlier last year, given that they hadn't undergone any medical fertilization procedure.
Speaking to the publication, the children's father Youssef Fadl said he was thrilled with the birth of his six babies but also felt nervous and overwhelmed at the thought of raising them all at once.
"We weren't thinking of having more kids but God granted us this blessing and we accepted it just as it is. So many people told us to keep one of the embryos but we completely rejected the idea. Even though it wasn't an easy journey as my wife had to spend a month and a half in bed rest, she was given the best medical treatment and her delivery went well," he added.
The news is now making the rounds online
Many are overjoyed
"Mashallah, they're adorable."