Videos capturing an Egyptian woman slapping and beating a taxi driver who sexually harassed her is taking social media by storm.
In the footage, the unidentified woman can be heard screaming at the man, accusing him of inappropriately groping her, forcing him to give her the keys to his car and asking him to pull the vehicle over at a police station.
The man is also heard apologizing to the victim, saying that he touched her by mistake.
Taken by the brave victim herself, videos of the incident amassed thousands of views since they were uploaded on Facebook earlier this week and continue to make the rounds online.
The footage went completely viral online
And sparked outrage...
The videos angered thousands on social media and led many to hail the woman for her reaction.
However, there were also those who resorted to blaming the victim, accusing her of inciting the assault because she sat next to the driver.
Here's a little of what people had to say:
As usual, some tried to blame the victim

"If she's a respectable woman, why was she sitting right next to him?"
Others powerfully hit back at them though

"Who are these immoral, regressive people who are attacking this woman here?"
"She's so brave and anyone who says anything else about her is regressive"

"There is no excuse for sexual harassment whatsoever"
Many hailed the woman for her courage
"Watch this and rejoice. Yaas woman!"
"Egyptian women power!"
Not the first time a badass Egyptian woman beats up a harasser
This certainly isn't the first time an Egyptian woman hits back at a harasser.
Earlier this year, CCTV footage capturing a woman chasing after a man who groped her in the street sent Egyptian social media into a frenzy.
The harasser, later identified as Islam S., didn't get away with his crime and was arrested and sentenced to jail by a court who had charged him with sexual assault shortly after the incident.
At the time, the court's decision was hailed by hundreds of women's rights activists in Egypt who labeled it as historic, given that it was one of the first sexual harassment sentences to be passed in Egypt's Saeed region.
Sexual harassment is a major issue in Egypt
Sexual harassment continues to be an issue that millions of Egyptian women face on a daily basis.
According to a report released in 2013 by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, 99.3% of Egyptian women have experienced some form of sexual harassment.
A recent study conducted by UN women and Promundo, a Brazilian organization campaigning for gender equality, also revealed that around 43 percent of men in Egypt actually believe that women enjoy getting attention and have no problem with being harassed.
Others blame women for inciting the assaults they endure, claiming that victims who wear tight clothing are "asking for harassment."
Egyptian law considers sexual harassment a crime punishable by law. If a woman takes her harasser to court and he is convicted, he can face a minimum of six months in prison. If a harasser is found to be a repeat offender, he could potentially face up to five years in prison.