In a savage attempt to smash the social system of patriarchy, a group of Iranian women decided to dress up as men to enter a football stadium, a right they have been denied for decades.
Last week, a group of reportedly five women donned fake beards and wigs and entered Tehran's Azadi Stadium to watch a live football match.
"Why should I be scared? We women do not commit any crimes by going to stadiums," one woman said, according to BBC.
"The law has not defined women's presence at stadiums as a crime. They have, of course, detained a few women and they have given a written promise not to go back there again."
Photos and video of the women went viral on social media on Friday.
Although there is no official ban in place, women in Iran are often refused entry, according to BBC.
According to Human Rights Watch, the refusal is based on a theory that "women shouldn't hear male fans swear and curse."
"Iran's ban on women in stadiums isn't only discriminatory, it's pointless"
It is not clear yet whether the women in the photos were caught and what consequences they may face.
Women in Iran were allowed to attend sporting events prior to the country's revolution in the 1970s.
In March, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that women in the country will soon be able to attend football matches. That same day, 35 women were arrested for sneaking into a football stadium.
The news sparked outrage among the online community, though it wasn't the first time a prison sentence followed such an attempt.
In 2014, a British-Iranian woman was also arrested after trying to attend a men's volleyball match.
In a first in many years, women got to watch a major basketball game in Tehran in February.
However, they were seated separately from men.
"The irony is that Azadi (the name of the stadium) means freedom"