Dubai Police rescues 14-year-old girl from prostitution ring

Police say it is the cruelest human trafficking case this year.

Dubai police have rescued a 14-year-old girl from a suspected brothel in what they referred to as the "most cruel" human trafficking case in the emirate this year, Gulf News reported on Tuesday. 

Police say the Asian teen was brought to the country with a forged passport and forced to work as a prostitute for two months, during which she faced physical and sexual assault.

According to Abdul Rahman Al Shaer, the director of the Human Trafficking Monitoring Department at Dubai Police, a Bangladeshi man and woman who were responsible for running the brothel, as well as other adult women found on the site, have all been arrested.

The victim says her uncle brought her to the UAE after telling her father she would be working at a beauty salon.

To do this, he changed her birth certificate to make her 24 years old, instead of 14, and forged a new passport for her.

She was then smuggled to Dubai by two men, who locked her at a massage center and raped her. 

"When she refused to work in prostitution, she was beaten and forced to work as a prostitute," Gulf News quotes Al Shaer as saying.

According to Khaleej Times, the accused claim the uncle knew that his niece would be forced into prostitution.

"The most cruel" human trafficking case in Dubai this year

Despite her ongoing resistance and cries for mercy, the teen was forced to see numerous "clients" a day.

She says she did not receive any money for her forced labor, but she is not sure whether the suspects had sent money to her parents or uncle.

"We've had only three human trafficking cases this year, but this one is the cruelest case because the victim is a minor," Al Shaer said

After raiding the brothel, police arrested the Bangladeshi duo as well as a group of adult women pending further investigation. 

Al Shaer said the victim is undergoing rehabilitation at the Dubai Foundation for Woman and Children, assuring that the country's consulate is helping her take legal action against those responsible.

Hijabi posts photo showing less than a centimeter of her ankle ... gets trolled

Welcome to the world of … self-proclaimed halal police.

Lebanese Twitter user and hijabi Salsa Ald posted a photo of herself donning loose grey pants with a black cardigan and heels ... and unexpectedly got trolled because of it. 


Contrary to what you may think, it wasn't her fashion choices that grabbed one man's attention. Rather, it was the less-than-a-centimeter ankle exposure that did.

"Trousers below the ankle sis," he writes in a tweet before going on to send an uncalled-for lecture. 

"The current state of the Muslim woman's hijab is so sad. The hijab is not a fashion accessory," the man starts off his message. 

He is a self-proclaimed member of the notorious halal police, to say the least, who believes he has the right to tell women, and hijabis in particular, what they can and cannot wear. 

Of course, the 18-year-old hijabi was shocked upon receiving the comment. 

"When I saw the comment my initial response was 'you’ve got to be kidding me' ... like I’m dressed so modestly in that picture, yet he had the nerve to zoom in on my ankles just to have something to complain about," she tells StepFeed.

But ... "you can't see [her skin] unless you zoom"

Women hit back soon after

The tweet soon began making the rounds online, amassing over 600 re-tweets and more than 1,200 likes. 

Subsequently, the 18-year-old changed her Twitter handle from @wiiife to just her name because she was "getting fed up with the old one," she tells StepFeed. 

Naturally, many women came to the tweep's defense - hitting back at the man who thought it is his so-called duty to police this woman's clothing.

Some are just simply fed up

Others are lost for words...

He lowered his gaze alright ... down to the ankles

"Mind your own business"

Valid questions were raised

Patience levels be like...

Three words: done, done, done

On a better note ...

And then ... the troll was trolled!