Earlier this week, Jeddah was hit with major flooding as chest-high waters left three people dead and many others injured.

Despite the horrific consequences of the floods, Saudi nationals attempted to fight the tragic incident with >humor and wake-boarding -- at least that's how one Saudi woman dealt with it.

Joyce Karam, a reporter at The National, shared a video on Nov. 21 of a Saudi woman dressed in a traditional abaya "making the best of today's flood."

In the video, the woman can be seen with a rope tied to her ankles being tugged by a vehicle in front of her as she surfs the flooded streets like a pro. 

The video went viral soon after, garnering over 12,000 re-tweets at the time of writing. 

However, there were some doubts about the woman's real sex, with many claiming she is indeed a man dressed in female attire. 

"Mashallah, it's a man"

Regardless, the video has grabbed the attention of people across the world ... and to say they're impressed is an understatement. 

"Can't resist ... loving it"

"This woman deserves a medal"

Naturally, some competition followed

More than one attempt actually

Sarcasm ensued

Simply "enjoying the rain"

"125% certified pure awesome"

"People prevail" always

Because when life gives you lemons ...

Saudis never miss out on a chance to make the best of horrible weather conditions