Misconceptions around the world are often the root of blind hatred and racism... and the Arab world is no exception to that.

We've previously tackled illusions people usually have about >Saudi Arabia, the >UAE, and >Arabs in general, and now we're here to talk about the one topic people are most likely to get wrong: arranged marriages.

While we can't ignore the history of sexism and misogyny that comes with arranged marriages, many people would argue that this isn't always the case.

Here are eight misconceptions people often have about arranged marriages:

1. That your parents want to get rid of you

Although that could be the case, some people genuinely want to get married and don't mind if their parents hook them up with someone they know.

2. And thus, you are forced into it

Again, there are people who willingly get married to someone they met traditionally.

3. That the person you're marrying is extremely unattractive

This applies to both genders, as people often think someone is only okay with getting married traditionally because they wouldn't be able to meet someone otherwise.

4. Or that the person you're marrying is an old rich guy

In other words, you're marrying a sugar daddy so you won't have to think of money ever again.

5. Or that the person you're marrying is your cousin

Maybe even a combination of all of the above: old, rich, unattractive, and your cousin. It's a win-win for stereotypes.

6. That the marriage is going to be miserable

With divorce simply not being an option.

7. And you will also be forced to reproduce

Just to please your parents and not because it's something you want.

8. And finally, that the marriage will most likely end in a divorce

There are no happy endings here, supposedly.