1. Park = bark

2. Disjointed Arabic letters

Source: tumblr

3. Mobile games that just don’t get you

Source: tumblr

4. A chicken cow, how?

5. From right to left would have been a good starting point

Source: tumblr

6. This person obviously doesn’t “takallam” Arabi

Source: tumblr

7. Putting “expats” on display

8. If the meat could speak, it would tell you it’s ready to be cooked

9. Seafood for dessert

10. Who needs a sleeve tattoo when you’ve got this?

11. Someone has a high opinion of himself

12. The people behind this LED screen had one job…

Source: tumblr

13. At least they got the first word right

Source: tumblr

14. Al Arabi … in reverse and spaced out letters

15. Wa Sahlan Ahla

16. Or a “shittier” you?

17. This game seemed so realistic … until you read the writing on the wall

Source: tumblr

18. Carrots have children

Source: instagram

19. This calls for an emergency!