Your name isn’t of much importance in Lebanon. We like to make you feel so special that we insist on giving you nicknames.
Seriously, we give everyone nicknames and titles!
*minute of silence*
Here are 9 alternative nicknames Lebanese use all the time:
1. Tante
Whether it’s your friend’s mom or the lady serving homemade cookies at your favorite coffee shop, all middle-aged women automatically fall into the Tante category.
2. Ya Damme

Welcome to the top secret world of the typical Lebanese guy. Oh, wait...
3. Habibi
Habibi is multifunctional.
Its uses can range from calling someone you really love Habibi, to mocking someone by using it. Whatever the case is, Habibi is your go-to buddy.
Just don't say it to your boss.
4. Ya ekhte / Ya khaye
Translated as “my sister” or “my brother", Ya ekhte/Ya khaye is most commonly used when you’re tired of trying to prove your point, and just want to get a debate over with.
It's very similar to: "bro, listen to me."
5. Ya 3amme

Same goes for ya 3amme.
If the debate seems to be stuck, add some ya 3amme and see how fast the flames rise.
6. Hayete

How romantic and poetic is it to be called "my life" on a minute-basis?
7. Hajj/Hajje
Need to call that old lady blocking the market aisle? Don’t know her name? Just call her Hajje. Problem solved!
8. 3amo

Whether it’s the old man in the dekkeneh, or the taxi driver, or the security guy in a mall, they all carry the same name, 3amo (Uncle), because, let’s face it, we’re probably all related in this small country anyway!
9. M3allem
Courtesy runs in our blood, that’s why it’s just not enough to call a guy by his name. Call him M3allem (The teacher or master) and you’ll automatically gain his trust and respect.
Hint: The same man can be called M3allem, Hajj, and 3amo.