When one thinks of Muslim clerics and preachers, "funny" is probably not the first adjective that comes to mind.
While they are often thought of as characteristically serious and stern, some Muslim clerics actually resort to humor to send their messages across ... and the results are quite amusing.
Here are seven times Muslim Sheikhs were pretty hilarious:
1. When Jeddah-based Assim Alhakeem tackled this awkward question with humor

2. And when he gave this crucial piece of marriage advice

3. When Zimbabwe's Mufti Ismail Menk made a Mo Salah joke ... because why not?
"Some people now think there are six [types of] salah (prayer): Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Esha and Mohamed," he said.
When his audience didn't seem to get the joke, he added, "That took long guys, that took very long. I could've scored three goals."
4. And when he taught a lesson in patience with this joke
The joke goes something like this:
An impatient man whose surname is "Sing" was resting in a park, occupying an entire bench. Several people came up to him and asked if he was "relaxing," which he mistook for, "Are you [named] Relak Sing?"
Annoyed by the incessant questions, the impatient man got up and walked towards another man who was also lying down. He asked the latter, "Are you relaxing?"
When the man replied affirmatively, the impatient man told him, "They're looking for you on the other side."
5. When this imam savagely trolled Arsenal fans

6. Canadian Shaykh Azhar Nasser wins over the internet with his funny tweets time and time again

7. Exhibit B: