Arabs are known for fitting proverbs in each and every situation as if they are preachers who know far more than others.
Syrians, in particular, have plenty of wise expressions they like to use as soon as the opportunity shows up.
You might recognize some of them from Syrian soap operas or from your Syrian neighbor who will comfort you with some and tease you with others.
Here are some Syrian proverbs to spice up your conversations with:
1. "El ered bi 3eyn emo ghazal"
English translation: In his mother's eyes, the monkey is a gazelle.
What it actually means: When a mother thinks her kid is the best.
How you can use it: To explain how everyone sees the best in what belongs to them.
2. "Alou lal 7amayeh, 'Ma kenti kenneh?' Alet nsit"
English translation: They asked the mother-in-law, "weren't you a daughter-in-law?" She replied: I was and I forgot.
What it actually means: You were once in that same position.
How you can use it: To remind someone of the same mistake they're about to repeat... or to tell your mother-in-law to "chill shway, please."
3. "Lisanaka hisanaka, in sentahou sanaqa"
English translation: Your tongue is your horse, if you take care of it, it takes care of you.
4. "El bab yelli byejik meno ri7, seddo w stari7"
English translation: The door that brings in wind, close it and rest.
What it actually means: Whatever disturbs you, just shut it out.
How you can use it: To remind people that you can just shut them out and say "yalla bye."
5. "El 3elem fil sighar kal hafr 3al 7ajar"
English translation: Learning at a young age is like engraving on rocks.
What it actually means: You can learn anything at a young age and it will stick with you.
How you can use it: To encourage people to learn languages or any skill at a young age.
6. "7ekkeli la 7ekkelak"
English translation: You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
7. "Mendoun daf 3am ner2os"

English translation: Without a beat, we still dance.
What it actually means: I've got too much on my plate already.
How you can use it: To explain that you're too overwhelmed as it is, or that
8. "Ra7et el sakra w ejet el fakra"
English translation: The drunken moment has gone and reasoning made its way.
What it actually means: What you did during an unconscious moment is now haunting you and you have to find a solution for it.
How you can use it: To make someone realize the gravity of their mistake and that they should fix it.
9. "De2 el hadid w houeh 7ami"
English translation: Hit the metal when it's hot.
What it actually means: Don't waste time, go do it now.
How you can use it: To push someone to do what they want instantly.
10. "Eja la ykahela am 3amaha"
English translation: He wanted to put eyeliner on her, but he blinded her.
What it actually means: He wanted to perfect it, but ended up ruining it.
How you can use it: To illustrate your argument about not wanting anyone to interfere.
11. "Ejet el hazineh la tefrah, ma la2et matra7"
English translation: The saddened woman came to a happy celebration and didn't find a seat.
What it actually means: When you finally decided to do something, but missed the opportunity.
How you can use it: To describe that you missed a very needed opportunity.
12. "Shou bedi etzakar menak ya sfarjel, kel 3adda bi ghassa"
English translation: What to remember you, quince, for. Every bite with a fiddle.
What it actually means: Every time we hang out, we have bad memories.
How you can use it: To refresh someone's memory every time they say let's hang out.
13. "Akel w mar3a w elet san3a"
English translation: Food, leisure, and no work.
What it actually means: This person doesn't do a thing in life.
How you can use it: To explain how someone relaxes and does nothing productive.
14. "El 3ez lal riz wel berghol shana2 7alo"
English translation: The delight is for the rice and the burghol hung itself.
What it actually means: Only the lucky people get the good things and the others might as well just watch.
How you can use it: To make fun of someone who's had it too easy.
15. "Kel ma biyefta7 jezdano, bterjof si2ano"
English translation: Every time he opens his wallet, his knees shiver.
What it actually means: He is stingy.
How you can use it: To describe someone who is too cheap and tight-fisted.