Ahhh Arabs, the more time they indulge in the craziness around them, the edgier their survival skills and sarcasm become.

To provide you with the funniest of tweets posted around the region, we made sure to select 10 of the best. 

Here’s what Arabs have been up to on Twitter this week:

1. The horror

“When you’re Lebanese and get asked what’s your Zip code.”

2. Don’t even try

“Mom enters the room

Me: *pretends to be sleeping*

Mom: get up I saw you online.”

3. Dabke fever

“Lebanese men at the beginning vs. at the end of a wedding.”

4. Trash

5. Translation fail

6. Yes it is

7. Hiking lovers and endless random followers

“Any higher bidder?”

8. Quoting fail

9. Same

10. Friday wisdom