Last week, a group of women activists in Egypt demanded for a day off on a monthly basis during menstruation.
What wasn't expected, though, are for the following two things to happen:
1. Sexist men and women attacked and mocked the suggestion.
2. A private company based in Egypt responded with a positive attitude and made this demand a reality.
John Guillebaud, professor of reproductive health at University College London, told Quartz in 2016 that dysmenorrhea - or painful menstrual cramps - can be "almost as bad as having a heart attack."
Yet, with serious medical researches and several doctors involved in dealing with period pain, sexists in Egypt came out of the woodwork to share their twisted opinions on the situation.
Hell broke loose when Shorouk newspaper published an article concerning the movement, with hundreds of disturbing comments flooding on their Facebook post.
The stigma around the menstrual cycle has been around for so long, forcing women to be ashamed of something natural and biological.
Now, women aren't just forced to hide that they're on their period, but are also asked to quit their jobs while being accused of being weak and fragile for going through something completely normal.
Sexist comments were aplenty

"Maternity leave, one hour break to breastfeed, and now menstrual leave. Why are they even working? They're taking away men's opportunities."
"So now you're no longer strong, independent women?"

Not all women seemed to care about this movement

"So no one is more tired than her? Men who have diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems should also have days off? Then no one will ever work."
A few thought their humor was in place

"So the manager should calculate every woman's cycle? What if she has irregular periods?"
"If she was the manager, she'd give her employees days off while they still get paid?"

"It's offensive for people to know when her cycle starts. Quit your job, stay home, and let men work instead."
"Job owners will no longer hire women, just wait and see"

Despite all the hate, one Egypt-based company went against the current by giving women a monthly menstrual leave
While people strangely enough seemed appalled and horrified by the idea, a menstrual leave law was implemented decades ago in many countries such as Indonesia, Japan, China, Zambia, and South Korea.
As for the Arab world, the first company to do so announced the decision this month.
Shark and Shrimp, a digital marketing agency in Egypt, complied with the demands made by the group of women activists, granting their female employees a fully paid one day off without any medical proof.
According to Mohamed Naim, the company's CEO, "the day off could be taken either on the first or second day of period, depending on each women's body."
Naim places the employees' rest and comfort over profit, saying "if the employee is well-rested at home during her period, she'll come to work the next day ready." He also added that when employees feel appreciated, they'll work harder, according to El Watan News.
*Sarah Trad contributed to this article.