Ahhh, Valentine's. That time of the year that puts advertisers in overdrive. Everyone wants a piece of the cake, and your money is it.
The pressure is real. So real that some of them even lose all regard for sensitivity (assuming they had some to begin with).
So, without further ado, here are some of the most offensive Valentine's Day ads from Lebanon.

We really didn't think anything would top last week's Yeh Yogurt Leb's sexually infused ad. The poster, which went viral on social media platforms carries a heavy caption that translates as: "Don’t be upset if he takes you out to feed you 'yeh' for Valentines."
“Yeh” in Lebanese refers to a thing; an “it”. In this case, it refers to a penis.
But, we were wrong. This ad, spotted today on a local beauty salon's Instagram account is clearly a winner.
Also, steer clear of this one, and don't even mention dieting to your significant other if you're hoping to remain in a relationship. If sexual innuendo weren't enough, now we have to deal with body image issues, because what's Valentine's without'em?

This isn't the first time tasteless Valentine's ads make their way into our timelines. Here's a selection of a few that made us want to toss away our phones and run into the woods.
Because the 50's are back

And sushi is an oral activity (circa 2016)

When an upscale restaurant hires a 5-year-old

... And a municipality gets a little creepy

Valentine's? We can't wait till its over.