It's not unusual for an episode of controversial Ramadan prank show Ramez Underground to cause a stir on social media. 

However, Thursday's episode, which featured Lebanese singer Wael Kfoury, seems to have caused an unprecedented social media meltdown that unfolded with trending hashtags: #وائل_كفوري and #رامز_تحت_الأرض.

While people's first reaction was to hail Kfoury's courage in the face of Galal's cruel prank, a few later noticed a detail that quickly turned the hashtags into a space filled with hilarious reactions and comments. 

Here's how it all went down: 

At first, many hailed Kfoury for trying to save those who were with him

A few of the singer's fans had a meltdown of their own

The episode even trended worldwide for a bit

But then people noticed this...

Wait, what happened to his jeans?

Everyone started to question whether the whole episode was an act ...

"I have a strange feeling that the whole prank was an act."  

A few didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt ...

"What type of reptile comes out in the desert and starts throwing sand at people? This stuff isn't even convincing." 

Many were outraged and simply fed up

Controversial show under fire

Ramez Underground has been receiving intense backlash in recent weeks, with people and lawmakers calling for it to be banned. 

Just last week, Egyptian cleric and member of the al-Azhar University's Alumni Union, Sheikh Sayyed Salman, pronounced the prank show as unlawful under Islamic Law. 

Weeks before that, Egyptian lawyer and Chairman of Egypt's Zamalek, Mortada Mansour, even called on the show's presenter, Ramez Galal, to either be sent in for psychiatric evaluation or be arrested and tried for "attempted murder."

The show airs on MBC during Ramadan. Featuring a different theme every season, it subjects celebrities to incredibly cruel pranks. 

This year, the show's guests are tricked into believing that they are part of a chat show hosted by Lebanese presenter Neshan Der Haroutiounian. 

They arrive for the interview in an Abu Dhabi desert area and on their way back, the car driving them quickly begins to sink into quicksand and things escalate from there. 

The show's pranks have been widely criticized over the past few years, but its episodes continue to dominate television ratings.