The past two years have been all about inclusivity, with Muslim women getting a big share of the love.
From beauty to fashion, market giants have been taking note of the gaps in their industries and launching products that cater to our needs.
ORLY's all-new prayer-friendly breathable nail polish and Nike's Pro Hijab are among the latest attempts to target Muslim women's struggles ... but we want more!
Dear companies, here are some creations that would make hijabi women's lives easier:
1. Hijab Snapchat filter
We're tired of having to put on a hijab just to reply to a guy friend's snap or take pictures during a girls night in. Come on Snapchat, make it happen!
2. Earphone-friendly hijabs
Please spare us the hassle of tucking earphones under the hijab and create hijabs with small, unrecognizable slits on the sides for earphones. Nike, take note, the Pro Hijab better have this feature!
3. Clothes and hijabs that defy the wind
We're tired of playing tug of war with our clothes to try and stop skin or hair from peeping out. So, since nothing is impossible in the fashion industry, we demand clothes and hijabs that manage to stay still despite the wind.
4. Pin detectors
Hijabis know this scenario all too well: You're fixing up your hijab, then you drop your only pin to the ground ... and you die a little inside knowing that you probably won't find it.
A box of pins lasts two weeks tops, as pins just seem to disappear into thin air. So, what about a magnetic pin detector?
5. Hijab with a built-in bonnet
Why does this not exist yet?
6. Waterproof hijabs

Hijab + wet hair = ultimate discomfort.
So, how about you make our lives better with waterproof/non-absorbent hijabs and under-hijab bonnets that don't soak up the water?
BONUS: Wudu-friendly makeup for all Muslim women
Many Muslim women know the struggle of wearing on-point makeup ... then realizing that they forgot to do wudu.
ORLY, this one's for you! Since you've launched halal nail polish, how about going the extra mile and producing water-permeable makeup?
OK ... I'm not sure what Muslim scholars would say about this. But, we would sure love to have prayer-friendly makeup.