Millions of women across the Arab world continue to face and stand up to sexual harassment on a daily basis. Whether it's at work or in public spaces, cases of assault seem to be on the rise across the region and many of them have been captured on camera.
Earlier this week, a video capturing the moment tens of men sexually harassed three Egyptian women in one of the country's streets went viral on Twitter.
In the footage, the women, who wear the hijab, can be heard screaming for help while the men cornered, pushed, and shoved them around. No passersby were seen approaching the scene or trying to help the women out of the horrific situation.
Uploaded by Twitter page Wgodeh, the clip continues to circulate online, infuriating thousands on social media.
The horrific reality of group sexual harassment in Egypt
Even though it remains unclear when or where the video was shot, it still sparked public outcry online.
While a few tried to justify the men's actions, accusing the victims of the assault of "enticing" their harassers, others were having none of that.
Unfortunately, a few still held onto this sexist rhetoric

"There's no smoke without fire, they're out in public so late at night, what do they expect?"
However, many powerfully hit back at them

"When the assaulter and victim are seen as the same person. We live in a society that blames women for everything corrupt. The entire world is against her, even religion favors men. We, unfortunately, live in a patriarchal society."
Because the only one to blame here is the harasser

"These victims are hijabis, just so people would stop saying it's what women wear. These men should have the word 'harasser' tattooed on their backs."
The footage left people shocked

And speechless...

"If one more man says that sexual assault is prevented by 'modest' clothing..."

"Women, specifically in Egypt, have to go through this everyday"

Sexual harassment is a major issue in Egypt
According to a report released in 2013 by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, 99.3 percent of Egyptian women have experienced some form of sexual harassment.
A recent study conducted by UN women and Promundo, a Brazilian organization campaigning for gender equality, also revealed that around 43 percent of men in Egypt actually believe that women enjoy getting attention and have no problem with being harassed.
Others blame women for inciting the assaults they endure, claiming that victims who wear tight clothing are "asking for harassment".

Egypt considers sexual harassment a crime punishable by law. If a woman takes her harasser to court and he is convicted, he can face a minimum of six months in prison. If a harasser is found to be a repeat offender, he could potentially face up to five years in prison.
The issue isn't only widespread in Egypt though, it's also prevalent in other Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Bahrain.