Just when we thought nothing else could surprise us when it comes to U.S. President Donald Trump's shenanigans, he proved us all wrong.
On Monday, millions of Americans gathered to witness "the first coast-to-coast total solar eclipse in the US in nearly a century."
One of them was, well, non other than Trump.
Standing outside the White House alongside his wife Melania, and son Barron, the U.S. President caught a glimpse of the eclipse, but this wasn't what made headlines.
What did?
Trump looking straight into the sun without wearing special eclipse glasses, "despite repeated warnings that doing so can lead to permanent eye damage."
After an an aide apparently shouted, “don’t look," Trump then put on protective spectacles, but it was too late... he had already sent the internet into a hilarious meltdown.
"Don't look"
People just couldn't even...
Really couldn't
"Just when you think he can't possibly embarrass us even more"
"Don't play with my heart, man"

"Apparently, the notion that staring at the eclipse damages the retina is also fake news"
"Sometimes the universe claps back so well"
The incident is now being used as a perfect hit back

Making Adhan?

Maybe he's smarter than we think he is?
"God is Good"

Of course it wasn't only Muslims and Arabs who perfectly trolled Trump
Trolling taken to new levels
Ah, we've got to love the internet.