Get ready for cuteness overload!
Meet Ice

Ice is a baby lion currently being rehabilitated at the Abu Dhabi Wildlife Center in the UAE.
She's so young, she was recently drinking from a bottle

Now, meet Jax

Jax is the pet bulldog of Ice's caregiver.
Now here's the cutest thing you'll ever see ...
Jax and Ice have become BFFs

Look at them cuddling

And being all rambunctious and adorable

Look, they're going for an adventure

Such a beautiful friendship

But as Ice's caregiver told Lovin Dubai, a baby lion isn't meant to be a pet forever.
"[Ice] is living with us out of the need to be bottle fed every few hours since her mother died," she said.
"As soon as Ice can eat by herself she will be going to live at the wildlife center where she will be taught how to live like a lion with our other lions ... Hopefully when she is bigger I'll be able to send her to Africa where she can live a more natural life at a large wildlife center."
She stressed that under "NO circumstances" will Ice be kept as a pet to live in someone's house.
In January, the UAE passed a law making it illegal to possess, trade or breed exotic animals. Hefty fines are levied on violators of the law, ranging from 10,000 dirhams ($2,723) to 700,000, ($190,574).