We've all encountered that one person who has skillfully 'programmed' others to call them by a western nickname rather than by their actual name.
And no, it's not the Hamoudis and Hamadas we're talking about here. It's those westernized nicknames Arab men and women decide to give themselves for reasons we just can't explain.
Twitter user Mostafa Karout decided the trend had long gone unaddressed and so decided to go on a Twitter rant ... telling people to stick to their Arabic names.
What triggered him? It all happened while he was at work.
"I work in a hotel, and a guest came in calling himself Alex, but his passport said Ali," Karout told StepFeed.
The 20-year-old said he believes this is just another attempt to fit in.
"They do this because we've been trying to be Western since forever ... remember the emo phase? And the 'I wanna show you my colorful boxers under my ripped jeans' phase?
Now, people are choosing to westernize their names in an attempt to fit in, I guess," he added.
We're not judging, we're just here for the laughs. So without further ado, here are some of the most cliché nicknames we're all tired of hearing.
1. For all the Mohammads out there ...

2. Ya Zakaria ... just save the "Zack" for another life

3. Mustafa ... what's wrong with the classical "Abu Steif?"

4. Ya Joe ... khalas!

5. Mado does not do Ahmad justice. No, it just doesn't!

6. Others joined in ...

7. This one wins all!