MVZLAMIC, a comic artist on Instagram, is shattering the stereotypes hijabis confront on a daily basis, one tongue-in-cheek post at a time.
The comic series attempt to break down the life of a hijabi in the most accurate way possible ... and to say they do so perfectly is an understatement.
The comics aim to smash the patriarchy from within the Muslim community, while at the same time shove every Islamophobic comment down the drain.
Here are 10 of her most savage comics:
1. "Some of the incredibly arrogant and patronizing comments I've received as a Muslim woman"
2. "Why do guys and non-hijabi gals always say this to me?"
3. The world of "halal police"
4. "When Muslim men catcall. Keep Allah out of it please"
5. "Islamophobic logic: let's control how Muslim women dress to fight Islamic oppression"
6. "The cheeky brothers that don't blink"
7. "Being a minority within a minority, I find it offensive that non-niqabi sisters take it upon themselves to satirize our experiences"