Islamophobes in the United States are starting to realize they can't win.
ACT for America, the largest anti-Muslim hate group in the U.S., has canceled 67 rallies planned to be held across 36 states on Sep. 9, according to The Independent.
The reason?
They've seen that there are far more people who stand against their racist and xenophobic ideology than with them.
The hate group made the announcement after seeing tens of thousands of protestors demonstrating against a White Supremacist fascist rally in Boston over the weekend. According to reports, anti-fascist demonstrators outnumbered the White Supremacists by at least 10 to one.
Instead of the physical demonstrations, which the group apparently fears will be overwhelmed by counter protesters similarly to the event in Boston, ACT has announced an online "Day of ACTion."
So, beware ... there might be a few extra Islamophobic and racist memes floating around the internet on Sep. 9. Trolls will be trolls.
"ACT for America is deeply saddened that in today's divisive climate, citizens cannot peacefully express their opinion without risk of physical harm from terror groups domestic and international," ACT said in an official statement, announcing the cancellation.
While violence has erupted at recent rallies organized by hate groups such as ACT, the most serious incident was a terrorist attack perpetrated by a White Supremacist against counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month. The terrorist drove his vehicle at high speed into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters, leaving one young woman dead and many others injured.
"ACT for America's membership is patriotic citizens whose only goal is to celebrate America's values and peacefully express their views regarding national security," the group claimed.
Those "patriotic citizens" are led by Brigitte Gabriel, a woman who believes that religious Muslims cannot be "loyal Americans."
While Islamophobic attacks and anti-Muslim hate crimes have been on the rise in the U.S. in the past couple years, there has also been a fast-growing movement in support of Muslims and other minority groups.
In the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump's divisive rhetoric and policies, targeting Muslims, refugees, immigrants and other minority groups, massive demonstrations have been organized against the racist and xenophobic ideology.
While White Supremacists, neo-Nazis, Islamophobes and White terrorist organizations have felt emboldened by Trump's victory, the backlash from other groups has been massive, organized and powerful. Anti-Trump and anti-hate demonstrations are routinely larger than their counterparts.