Students Banned From Fasting in Four UK Schools

Citing children's health, a primary school trust in UK banned students from fasting during Ramadan.

The Lion Academy Trust banned its primary school students from fasting during Ramadan after a meeting with their parents. The trust, which is comprised of four primary schools, had not yet received permission from the acting headmaster before creating this rule.

The decision came when Barclay Primary School in Leyton sent a letter to parents on June 10 informing them that their children will not be allowed to fast on school grounds because doing so would compromise their health.

"Previously, we have had a number of children who became ill and children who fainted or who have been unable to fully access the school curriculum in their attempt to fast," the letter justified.

The letter added that the school had “sought guidance” before enforcing the ban and is thus “reliably informed that in Islamic Law, children are not required to fast during Ramadan.”

The decision received criticism from many members of the Muslim community in the United Kingdom. It also came under fire on social media and received international media attention.

Imam and spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain Ajmal Masroor called the action “stupidly foolish,” according to the BBC .

He added that "it could have been easily resolved by just speaking to parents. Now we have another negative story against the Muslim community – as if we don't have enough already."

“Schools should play a supporting role to parents; and issues like this should be discussed, not blanket enforced,” president of the Muslim Association of Britain Dr. Omer El-Hamdoon told Mail Online .

“We believe that there are sufficient and stringent rules within Islam which allow those who are unable to fast, to break fast. These rules include those who are medically ill or compromised; or too young or too old to fast,” a spokesperson from the MAB added.

“We believe that the school should have adopted an advisory role, in that they recommend to the parents their point of view, and not act in an authoritarian manner,” Hamdoon told TIME .

Chief Executive Director of the primary school trust Justin James responded to the criticism in a statement published online by saying: “We have written to all parents to outline how we are trying to balance both our obligations under child safety and protection and working closely with our communities who we serve.”

In addition, he further clarified in the statement that a student will be able to fast after gaining permission from the school administration and a meeting with the student’s parents.

11 Delicious Drinks to Get You Through Ramadan

All we want for iftar is sugary drinks.

Fasting in the overpowering Middle Eastern heat can seem like a very daunting task. When Ramadan arrives in the summer there's only one thing to do: load up on replenishing drinks after breaking the fast .

From traditional Ramadan classics to modern beverages, these 11 sugar-ridden drinks are both hydrating and refreshingly enjoyable.

1. Amar Al Din  - Apricot Juice

One of the most popular Ramadan drinks, the beloved apricot drink has a variety of health benefits. Just try not to mistake it for mango juice.

2. Tamer Hindi - Tamarind Juice 

It's really not Ramadan in the Middle East unless the smell of the Tamarind fruit is filling up the place.

3. Vimto


The perfect accompaniment to any Iftar or Sohoor.

4. Balah Bel Laban - Milk with Dates

This simple classic can be both drunk and eaten, as the dates melt perfectly in the milk creating a delicious indulgence.

5. Karkadeh - Sweet Hibiscus Tea

This hibiscus drink is very refreshing when served cold.

6. Erk Sous - Licorice Juice

"Erk Sous" is a very popular street drink in the Middle East made from liquorice. Photo source: Wikimedia Commons

It is just like candy in a cup.

7. Mint Lemonade

Simple and easy to make, this light drink is perfect for Ramadan. Photo source: Wikimedia Commons

Simple but delicious.

8. Kharoub - Carob Juice

This traditional Egyptian invention is extremely sweet and extremely delicious at the same time.

9. Iced Tea

Ice tea is always refreshing on any summer day. Photo source: Wikimedia Commons

While black tea is definitely a Ramadan mainstay, refreshing iced tea is even better to beat the summer heat.

10. Sprite

Sprite is a classic favorite on any Ramadan table. Photo source: Wikimedia Commons

The beloved lemon-lime soda is the perfect match for a Ramadan in the summer.

11. Khoshaf - Fruit Salad Compote

A favorite for any fruit fanatic, this popular Arab drink is almost a fruit salad. Not that anyone is mad about that.