Nasreen Qadri, a Muslim Israeli-Arab singer who mixes Arabic and Hebrew in her performances sparked controversy on social media earlier this week.
This came after Israeli newspaper Haaretz interviewed the performer and shared a video of her on their official Facebook page.
In the interview, Qadri, who rose to fame after winning an Israeli reality TV music competition in 2011, said:
"I am an Arab, Muslim, and an Israeli citizen. I live here, that's where I was born, this is my home."
The singer has always been outspoken when it comes to controversial issues and sees no problem in performing in Israeli settlements.
"The decision to perform in a settlement is like any decision to perform anywhere else, on every stage, no matter where it is. Not only in Ma'aleh Adumin (West Bank settlement), if I should go to a church and sing Ave Maria, then so be it," she explained.
"I make music, I don't touch upon anything political, I don't want to get involved in that at all, I just want to express myself and sing."
Qadri previously took a stand against The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, arguing in favor of Radiohead's show in Israel and eventually going on to open the gig for them with another Israeli singer.
In an op-ed she published in Newsweek at the time, the singer described the efforts to "boycott the only democracy in the Middle East" as 'counter-productive' and detrimental to those hoping to push for peace and tolerance.
"I've always received support and warm feedback"
In her interview, Qadri explained that her only focus is on the music she performs and not on the surrounding political situation.
"I am aware of the 'death to Arabs' chants that are out there but I don't pay attention to it. We were born to a harsh reality, and because of that we're trying to bring in some optimism and peace," she said.
She also added that she has never gotten criticism from the Arab community surrounding her and added that her only focus is on music.
"The Arab society is very supportive and loving, I never got any critisicm saying that what I am doing is not OK, or you shouldn't do it. On the contrary, I've always received support and warm feedback," Qadri added.
Backlash on social media

As the video of Qadri's interview continues to make the rounds online, thousands of people are reacting to it.
While the majority of users are taking a stand against Qadri and her opinions, a few think there's nothing wrong with what she's doing.
A few people think there's nothing wrong with Qadri's approach

Some are just not having any of it...

"The million or so occupied Palestinians will understand your approach"

Many expressed their outrage

"Stoicism is not an option when it comes to basic human rights"