The morning routine of countless social media users was interrupted this morning when Instagram crashed for almost one hour.
Indeed, we were stripped of our right to kick-start our day with photos of bloggers who crush our self-esteem, life updates that will be the center of gossip sessions throughout the day, and of course, hilarious memes that make getting out of bed a little less agonizing.
But, worry not fellow social media addicts! The photo-sharing platform is back in business again.
This came soon after Instagram's two founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, resigned from the company last week. While the duo did not specify the reasons behind their decision, rumors suggest it was a result of disagreements with Facebook, which bought their firm in 2012.
According to The Independent, due to the glitch, profiles appeared to be empty and users received a message that read, "Cannot refresh feed."
While the issue was resolved within an hour, the news caused quite the stir online, which comes as no surprise since over one billion people use it every month. Naturally, Arab social media users did not hold back on reacting to the incident with hilarious tweets and memes.
Here's a glimpse:
1. Users were left stranded in the virtual world
2. People were concerned about the well-being of bloggers during these tough times
"Can you imagine what fashionistas, influencers and bloggers are going through now that Instagram is down?"
3. "What fashionistas looked like when Instagram shut down for 30 minutes"
4. Sarcasm was in full force
5. Many theories emerged on why the app crashed
6. Some dark humor for all the cynics out there
7. A real tragedy
8. Seriously though, where are our priorities?
9. No Instagram = A rare chance at quality time with the family
"My parents turned out to be funny and they finally remembered I'm their son."
10. Thankfully, the app is up and running again, so 'elhamdella 3al saleme'
"This is our joy! Thank God it's back safely."