Rabbi calls for Palestinian statehood in Muhammad Ali eulogy

Rabbi Michael Lerner spoke on behalf of the American Jewish community to eulogize Muhammad Ali during his funeral on Friday

Rabbi Michael Lerner spoke on behalf of the American Jewish community to eulogize Muhammad Ali during the American athlete's funeral on Friday, drawing strong applause as he declared the equality of Palestinians and called for the creation of a Palestinian state.

"Tell Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that the way to get security for Israel is to stop the occupation of the West Bank and help create a Palestinian state," Lerner proclaimed.

Source: YouTube (screenshot)
Source: YouTube (screenshot)

Lerner also stressed the common struggle that Jews, Black Americans and Muslims all face in the United States, strongly condemning political rhetoric and actions that undermine Black Americans and Muslims.

"We today stand in solidarity with the Islamic community in the country and all around the world," Lerner said to roaring applause.

"We will not tolerate politicians or anyone else putting down Muslims and blaming Muslims for a few people."

Lerner highlighted Ali's tremendous legacy, saying that his life was so important to millions of Americans and people around the world "because he was the Person who was willing to risk a great honor that he got and the great fame that he got to stand up for the beliefs that he had, to speak truth to power."

Ali famously opposed the Vietnam War and refused to join the military when he was drafted, pointing out that it was against his moral and religious beliefs.

"I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality," he said at the time.

As a Black American Muslim convert, Ali was a resounding political voice and activist as much as he was a world heavyweight champion. He stood as a symbol to his generation of standing up to power in the face of societal oppression.

Lerner definitey recognized the incredible significance Ali had on the world saying: "So I want to say how do we honor Muhammad Ali? And the answer is the way to honor Muhammad Ali is to be Muhammad Ali today."

In closing, Lerner sent a message of peace to all Muslims throughout the world.

"I want to affirm our commitment to the well-being of all Muslims on this planet as well as the people of all faiths and secular humanists as well. We wish to pay honor to the Muslims of the world as they continue the fast of Ramadan and share the loss of Muhammad Ali. Peace be upon them, peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon all of humanity and peace be upon us. Amen."

Lerner joined numerous religious leaders and others in eulogizing the three-time world heavyweight champion who won 56 bouts over a 21-year career. Thousands of friends, religious figures, world leaders and fans attended the services in Ali's hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.

Ali died on June 3 at the age of 74.

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