Nelly Karim, a prominent Egyptian actress and former ballerina, posted a picture of herself on her private Facebook account that lead to a large number of Egyptians and fans losing it. The picture was simply of herself, while she was ill, wearing no make-up, and hair was uncombed.
She captioned the picture with "Women's Day: This is not a movie. This is the live of all Egyptian women. Yes, my hair is uncombed. Yes, I am not wearing make-up and yes, I am ill. No, it's not photo-shopped. Good morning."
The star was simply attempting to showcase what it's like to be a real woman and the beauty of self-confidence. This admirable step however, was met by a highly disturbing and negative comment. A man named Assem Abdou said "Yikes. This is why I married a foreigner.
Much to his dismay, Karim struck back with a simple fact and said, "but your daughter is Egyptian."
In a show of solidarity, fans liked her image more than 19,000 times and it was shared over 1,500 times. With one move, Karim was able to empower Egyptian women to celebrate their natural looks.
I am pretty sure that with the overwhelming support Karim received from the public, this dude wishes he had kept his mouth shut.