In a statement posted to their social media platforms on Monday, MBC group responded to backlash they received in Saudi Arabia over a women empowerment campaign launched by MBC 4.
According to the statement, the Be Free campaign was launched a few months ago in an aim to empower women and support the consolidation of their role in society.
The campaign was misinterpreted by thousands in Saudi Arabia who took to Twitter to express outrage over what they say was an inappropriate call for Saudi women to go against religious and social norms.
The statement explained that while a few on Twitter attacked the campaign with exaggerated photo-shopped images and tweets that did not belong to it, the channel still accepts full responsibility over "a campaign that derailed off of its course."
"After internal investigations on our part, it became clear that a member of MBC's new media team made the decision to add certain themes to the campaign, which derailed it from its original message. The new themes were poorly executed and presented and do not represent MBC's vision nor the goals of the original campaign."
Towards the end of the statement the channel's administration revealed that it would be taking measures to ensure that such incidents to do occur again.
Nevertheless, they also reaffirmed their belief in the original rhetoric behind the campaign.
MBC's statement was widely shared on Twitter in Saudi Arabia and while many accepted the apology and continued to support the channel, others were still outraged.
People are angry

"This is not an apology from MBC, they're simply blaming social media and one of their poor employees for the backlash."
"The problem is that MBC's apology is in itself an insult, because they still see women as human beings who are enslaved and who need to be liberated from religion and values."
Others accepted the apology

"MBC's apology over the Be Free campaign came late, but better late than never."
"It's not an apology, it's simply a clarification because there isn't anything to apologize for in the campaign's tweets. There are known women's rights that women must win, regardless of whether MBC supports them or not."
Some launched the Kooni Dorra (Be a precious jewel) counter campaign
"You form the most important half of this country, the one who gives birth to and raises the other half. Your destruction, which is what liberal campaigns are aiming for, will destroy the whole country."
"#BeAPrecious jewel is the perfect response to the #BeFree campaign."
And many hit back at it
"What is a durra? Is it a precious rock or stone? Would you like to be one? Even if it's precious, at the end of the day it'll always be a rock for sale!"
"#BeAPreciousStone - with that you're admitting that your place is most probably in a locked box owned by someone who owns you, or #BeFree and choose to be someone who takes charge of their own life."