It's been over a month since Michel Aoun was elected president of the Lebanese Republic and efforts to form a new cabinet are currently in action. Meanwhile, people are taking to social media with suggestions for ministerial picks--thanks to the Beirut-based Arabic street art group Ashekman.

The Lebanese are jaded. They've had the same political class run the country for decades, and these rulers are widely believed to be sinking the public further into a cycle of debt, corruption and violence.  

So the artists in Ashekman are calling for an alternative ruling class. But it's not the likes of Beirut Madinati, Sabaa,  or Tol3it Ree7itkom. It's something much more other-worldly, so to speak. 

"ASHEKMAN strongly believes that we should be allowed to form our own government, even if it's filled with fictional characters," the page writes. 

"Because let's face it, fictional characters have never let us down."

The Lebanese people have spoken. Here are our new ministers: 

Minister of Education: Yoda (Star Wars)

Sure, Lebanese students are fond of Elias Bou Saab's down-to-earth attitude and surprise winter days off--so much they dedicated a song to him. But we're probably better off with one of the wisest and most powerful Jedi Masters in the Star Wars universe heading our Ministry of Education.

Thought Yoda was perfect for this? Someone suggested Dumbledore for the position... yup, it's tough call to make.

Minister of Justice: Batman

With violent crimes on the rise, along with legislation and the judicial system stirring controversy time and time again, we need a minister driven by an overwhelming sense of justice and dedicated to fighting crime. Batman will undoubtedly come to Lebanon's rescue. 

Interior Minister: Khaleesi (Game of Thrones)

Having a female minister is long overdue and many are demanding a 30% female representation in the upcoming government. The Games of Thrones queen's strong moral compass and impressive leadership skills make her ideal for the job.

Defense Minister: Darth Vader (Star Wars)

As an army general and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, we can count on Darth Vader to keep national threats at bay.

Minister of Energy and Water: Raiden (Mortal Kombat)

A Minister of Energy who literally radiates electricity, that's the ultimate Lebanese dream! 

Here are some other hilarious pitches:

Captain Majed for Minister of Sports and Youth

Poison Ivy for Environment Minister 

Super Mario for Minister of Public Works and Transportation

On a more realistic (but still impossible) note, the satirical page Adeela suggested celebrity ministers