A Kuwaiti newborn who was allegedly named after a popular character in a Turkish drama series went viral on Twitter earlier this week. This came after several local news pages on the platform circulated an image of the infant's hospital birth certificate.
The document reveals that the boy, who was born in the country's Royal Hayat Hospital, was named "Ertugrul", after the lead character in the hit Turkish TV drama Resurrection: Ertugrul.
The show follows the life of Ertugrul, who was the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire. The series is also extremely popular among Arabs who follow its episodes online.
The news sent Kuwaiti tweeps into a frenzy
Some tweeps completely loved the name and were all for it, hitting back at those attacking the parents over it.
However, many pointed out that a hospital birth certificate doesn't count as an official document, adding that the name might not have been registered with authorities yet.
It remains unconfirmed whether the infant was officially registered with the name or not, but this didn't stop tweeps from weighing in on the matter.
Some doubted the authenticity of the circulating certificate
"An unofficial certificate. If you had taken a photo of his birth certificate we would've believed you, because it's the only official document. Second, the committee controlling birth certificates doesn't approve such names."
Others didn't doubt the news and criticized the choice of name
"Ertugrul means 'punishment' in Turkish. I wish they'd just called him punishment in Arabic and saved him from living with a name that's foreign to his language and environment."
Many just couldn't even with the incident
"It's a problem when people become brainless."
"Not even Turks would call their kids Ertugrul"
"When he grows up and realizes you named him after a lead in a series, he'll call you crazy"
Not everyone criticized the name though... some loved it
"Such a grand name."
A few tweeps already came up with nicknames for the boy
"Their son, their decision"
"Plus, this is the name given to him unofficially in the hospital certificate, so why are you blowing this out of proportion?"