Twitter user @albifalasteen recently shared a photo of "extra virgin olive oil" on Snapchat ... but little did she know that a self-proclaimed Snapchat "sheikh" would come after her.
The Twitter user, whose first name is Sondos, posted a screenshot of the conversation with a Snapchat user, in a tweet that has since gone viral.
The conversation started with a friendly "Salaam sis" ... which soon escalated into a language lesson of sorts.
"You shouldn't send pictures like that because it contains words like 'virgin' and that makes a man think of actions that you may have committed," he wrote.
He then clarified that this is only a "naseehah", which is Arabic for advice.
However, this was before he went on to warn her "not to repeat this sin".
Since when is using the word "virgin" a sin?
Welcome to the world of the self-proclaimed halal police
Of course, people on Twitter just couldn't comprehend how such a mentality still exists in the world.
So ... people resorted to sarcasm and jokes to make a point.
Mansplain level: "this is just a naseehah"
"I just lost brain cells"

Clear the road ... the "harambulance" is coming your way!
Presenting to you the "sheikh's award"
Some people just couldn't take this guy's comment seriously

Simply put: "nsam badane"
Others are in a mental state of confusion ... and there's no going back