In yet another Islamophobic attack, a 20-year-old woman was assaulted while commuting on a train in Melbourne, Australia.
Fahima Adan detailed the vile incident in a Facebook post, in which she explained she was assaulted after trying to help another Muslim woman with a child from a racist troll.
"This [woman] ran for her safety away from the lady to the other side of the train leaving her belongings where she was harassed," she wrote in her Facebook post.
The Islamophobic lady then "jumped towards" Adan - who helped defend the mother - and tried to rip off her hijab. "I'm so hurt and disgusted that I was even disrespected like that, I'm an Australian citizen," Adan wrote.
"Get the F*** out of my face, I hate Islam"
Adan claimed that when she fought back in "self-defense," a man stepped in.
After the fight was settled, the woman "continued to harass me and actually took my scarf off me, threw into the bushes and fought with me again," Adan wrote in her post.
She ended her post by expressing disappointment in Victoria Police.
"Victoria Police: You guys have truly failed me ... These situations need to be taken more serious because now both victims are seriously scared for their safety, one even has a child."
According to Indy 100, a 39-year-old woman was charged with unlawful assault following the incident.
Islamophobia in Australia
In 2017, several far-right politicians made anti-Islam statements. A few even demanded bans on the headscarf and aimed to block Muslims from taking part in the Australian political scene.
That same year, Pauline Hanson, a senator in Australia, called Islam "a disease."
"We have a disease, we vaccinate ourselves against it," she said, according to SBS. "Islam is a disease, we need to vaccinate ourselves against that."