Everybody in the world is talking about Serena Williams' pregnancy ... and it's not just because she's carrying a baby inside of her.
Williams posted a picture on Snapchat, captioned "20 weeks" ... which she then deleted, according to the BBC.
But, a spokesperson for Williams confirmed that she will be giving birth this fall.
It drove the world crazy because that would mean that she was eight weeks pregnant during a competition (which she won) in Melbourne in January.
Because pregnancies and having children are considered to be a "life accomplishment" in the Arab world ... we couldn't help but imagine how Serena Williams' pregnancy would be like if she were Arab:
1. The million "mabrouks" from people she hasn't talked to in over 8 years

Everybody who knows her personally will call her to congratulate her on her pregnancy ... with a latshe that goes something like:
Keef ma khabarteena abel? Ma32oul?! Wallaw???
But, it's not just people she knows. It's basically anyone who knows someone who knows someone who knows her.
2. Followed by the endless predictions on the baby's sex ...

This would come about after a thorough observation of Williams' facial features, body posture and baby bump.
Swelled up nose? It's definitely a boy.
3. Followed by the "nshalla ykoon sabi" wishes ... because #ArabFamilyGoals

Through years of patriarchal rule, traditional Arab families have developed the fear of not having a boy to carry the family's legacy and inherit "the throne". So, naturally many will be hoping that her child is born a boy... But, we don't care, we say "khel2a kemle ne3me zeyde" (as long as the baby is born healthy) :)
4. The kind "3a salemi nshalla" wishes ... with medical advice from 100 people (who aren't doctors)
Advice #1: Don't eat too much batenjan ... unless you want an extremely tanned child.
Advice #2: Drink a lot of milk ... if you want your unborn child to be tall.
5. No shame in touching her belly bump ... along with the words: "yekhze el 3ein, smallah"

It's all about keeping the evil eye at bay ... and what better way to do that than with the kharze zar2a? Just ask Beyoncé! We practically filled her pregnancy portrait with the blue talisman when we heard of her good news, and she seems to be doing just great ;)
We just need Serena Williams to keep something blue on her body, to keep the hasood eye as far away as possible.
6. Of course, people wouldn't be shy to ask when the next baby is coming ...
Ino seriously? Give the woman a break.