Grandson of King Saud wants King Salman to step down

Members within the Saudi Royal family are calling for King Salman to step down from his post.

A grandson of King Saud of Saudi Arabia, who is also a senior Saudi prince, is reportedly calling for the replacement of King Salman and his son, the Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed.

The unnamed grandson reportedly circulated a four page document in which he stated that the royal family should lose its power due to its high spending, the drop in oil prices, and miscalculated military campaigns.

The letter demands the royal family hold an immediate emergency meeting to discuss the family's mismanagement of the country's wealth along with foreign and domestic affairs.

The letter also heavily criticizes the government's campaign in Yemen and its involvement in the Iraq and Syria wars.

The demands to push aside King Salman and Prince Mohammed will most likely not be met. However, such demands from a senior prince shed light on the growing internal criticism of how the royals are managing the country.

Furthermore, King Salman is expected to hand over the crown to his son, Prince Mohammed; a move that will further highlight the generational shift of leadership and will receive heavy backlash due to the fact that 13 of Ibn Saud's sons, the country's founder, are still alive.

Clients from Hell: Are you going to pay for the teleporter?

Yes, it does take me a day to get from France to Morocco.

In our weekly installment of Clients from Hell, a hilarious collection of anonymously contributed client horror stories from designers, we present “Are you going to pay for the teleporter?” For previous posts, click here .

I’m a photographer and often work on company events such as seminars.

One of my potential clients asked me for pricing for a seminar in Morocco. Both the client and me are based in France.

Client: Our seminar is three days long, why are you charging for four days?

Me: That’s my travel time.

Client: Oh no, no, you didn’t get it right. We only need you to shoot during the seminar, not the days before.

Me: Of course, one day is roughly the time I need for the flights and transit to the seminar location.

Client: I see. But can’t you just BE there, I mean, without all the traveling?

Me: Errr… Do you mean that I’d be in Morocco but without traveling from France ?

Client: Yes, exactly!
