Cartoon show, Fireman Sam, is under the spotlight on social media, after the episode entitled "Troubled Waters" shows a fireman slipping on a piece of paper, which some thought to be a page from the Quran.

As the fireman falls to the floor, one of the pages of the Quran was revealed.

However, the piece of paper he stepped and slipped on doesn't seem to be a page from the Quran, despite what some people said.

The page from the Quran that appeared in the episode seems to be Surah Mulk (67) verses 13-26.

Mattel, the producers of the show, have since apologized for the error in a tweet, assuring all its viewers that they will no longer be working with the animation studio responsible for the mistake.


The TV network, Channel 5, has since removed the episode from the streaming site, according to The Guardian .

But, many on Twitter have had enough with the hate...

And some are just questioning whether the creator of the show deliberately did this...

In 2012, the creator of the show David Jones was held for questioning why a veiled Muslim woman was not checked by airport security at Gatwick Airport. However, Jones denied the offensive remark, saying "it was an observation, nothing more," according to the BBC .