The latest update on social networking site Facebook has provoked a serious wave of jokes among its users. The company released new features which allow you to send hugs, winks, and virtual high fives to your friends.
Is it the new most-abused feature Facebook has ever made so far? The answer lies in the many jokes Egyptian users are making. To them, such an update could never possibly go unnoticed.
Let the memes roll:
1. Many are struggling with the new feature
"Woman: What the heck?"
"Man: Sorry, I thought that was the follow button."
2. Life is short, so make your hugs long
3. "I'm gonna hug everyone!"
4. That awkward moment when you go for a hug...
5. ...and they reciprocate with a wedding
"Man on the right: Sorry, I mistakenly sent you a hug.
Man on the left: Why are you sorry? Come in, I'm trying my wedding gown on."
6. Arab parenting invades Facebook
"Your son hugged my daughter on Facebook and he should correct his mistake and marry her."
7. "Wallah no one is getting that bear hug other than you"
8. "Ibrahim, we agreed to be just friends"
9. C'mere! gimme a hug
"3eeb ya Desouky! What will people say?!"
10. "What's wrong? It's just a Facebook hug!"

11. Some just can't wait to be hugged... but Arab moms are here to stop that
"Girl on the left: Aren't you going to send me a hug?
Mother: Whaaat???
Man: Mug! Your daughter wants a mug!"
12. While others just can't wrap their heads around the new feature
"Guys, my friend keeps sending me hugs and it's worrying me."
13. Just give your friend a hug
14. It's worth mentioning that hugs are not the only new feature
"High five to the ex... on the back of the neck."
15. Winks are also included
"A wink has been sent and reciprocated."
16. It would be such a waste not to use the new features as a prank
"I tried all the new reactions with my sister. She will come home from college to find a hug, a wink, and lots of good stuff."